Science Your Brain.

See in real time how your brain responds to games and meditation with revolutionary fNIRS technology.
Could brain activity sensors help slow cognitive decline?
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CES 2025: Understanding the longevity economy with AARP
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What's In The Thinkie System?

The world's smallest fNIRS brain scanner
An adjustable headband with precision sensor placement
Advanced brain training app with real-time, visual feedback and science-backed games

Backed By Research

Brain Training is Better with Neurofeedback

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It Matters What Brain Training Activities You Do

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The Worlds Smallest fNIRS Device

Three ReaSons to Love Thinkie

It's Brain Training Backed By Serious Science.

Nearly 30 years of science and research from world-renowned universities and companies have gone into the development of the Thinkie system.

It's Brain Training That Tells You How You're Doing.

No other brain training system can tell you how hard your brain is working. Simply play and colors indicate how you’re doing, in real-time.

It's Brain Training That Tracks & Rewards Regular Use

Set daily, weekly, and monthly goals to earn Thinkie points. Check your Brain Age improvements over time.

Try our app Free

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Science Your Brain.