It seems intuitive that brain training would be beneficial for mental acuity. But how do we know what brain training activities are actually working? There are many options on the market for brain training, however Thinkie is the first user-friendly system that gives essential visual feedback in real-time.
fNIRS technology works by measuring near-infrared light and its passage through the brain based on oxygen levels in hemoglobin. The Thinkie app interprets changes in cerebral blood flow volume in the brain as increases or decreases in neural activity.
These measurements tell us how much activity is happening in the brain at any given time on a continuous feedback loop. By detecting these ongoing changes in oxygenated blood flow, the Thinkie sensor provides real-time data reflecting your brain's engagement.
At the end of each brain training session, Thinkie reports back how much brain activity you achieved during that session's cognitive training, with your Brain Score representing the average activity every second.
Thinkie gives important feedback on what activities were most effective in activating high brain activity for you specifically, taking the guesswork out of the equation and leading to much more efficient brain training. Remember—results vary because everyone's brain is unique!
The Thinkie sensor, developed over a span of 27 years and based on functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) technology, continually measures the blood flow in the prefrontal cortex as the activity is taking place, and provides an immediate visual representation of that brain activity level.
Thinkie Inc has been able to adapt this complex technology to a safe product that can be used by people of all ages to monitor their activities to improve mental acuity.
Cognitive Training with Neurofeedback Using NIRS Improved Cognitive Functions in Young Adults: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial
This randomized controlled trial investigated the effects of cognitive training with neurofeedback (CT-NF) using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) on cognitive functions in young adults. Major findings include that CT-NF training leads to greater improvements in working memory, processing speed, and attention. Subjects' improvements were associated with increased brain activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
Source: Brain Sci. Cognitive Training with Neurfeedback Using NIRS Improved Cognitive Functions in Young dults: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial 2022, 12, 5.
This report provides methods, measures and results pertaining to the Effects of Cognitive Training (ECT) study, whose aim is to investigate the effects of engaging in 4 weeks of app-based ABC program (Thinkie) vs. playing Tetris. The study, sponsored by Mitsui, was conducted by Drs. Acevedo and Collins in the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Data collection for this project began in May 2021 and ended in December 2021.
The study's results showed that the treatment group demonstrated significant improvements in memory, verbal memory, and composite cognitive function, while both groups showed improvements in processing speed and executive function. This suggests that cognitive training program with neurofeedback, particularly with ABC exercises, can enhance cognitive function in older adults.
All procedures were reviewed and approved by the Human Subjects Committee (the IRB) of the University of California, Santa Barbara (IRB #: 65 - 20 - 0856). Participants were 125 right-handed individuals, ages 54-84, living independently and in relatively good health. Participants were recruited via listservs, community groups, social media, advertisements in the Santa Barbara community, and via independent living organizations.
Source: Effects of Cognitive Training Study: Final Reprot by Mitsui by Acevado, B & Collins, N. (January, 2022)
You might think doing virtually any on-screen activity would equally benefit the brain, but the results of this study speak volumes to the contrary. Among its key findings is that the ability to measure the effects of a mental activity is critical to meaningful brain training. That is why fNIRS neurofeedback technology is so important, and why we use it in the Thinkie system.
Source: Brain Sci, Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Activity during a Brain Training Game Predicts Cognitive Improvements after Four Weeks Brain Training Game Intervention: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial 2020, 10, 560