
Thinkie Mythbusters

Nick White
August 21, 2024
There are several myths and misconceptions surrounding brain training apps and neurofeedback devices these days. Let’s explore some common myths and the reality behind them:
Myth: Solving puzzles always improves brain health

Reality: While solving puzzles can challenge your brain and improve thinking patterns, there’s no quantitative proof that puzzles alone will directly enhance brain health. Thinkie's games are designed by world-renowned neuroscientist Dr. Kawashima to focus on six areas: mental speed, concentration, inhibition, memory, prediction, and attention. Thinkie games aim to activate your brain and improve cognitive skills. The Thinkie sensor provides real-time visual feedback, helping you track increases in your brain's activity, which is correlated to cognitive wellness. However, solving extremely challenging puzzles doesn’t always stimulate your brain in ways that will promote its health. In fact, solving simpler problems at a faster pace has shown to more consistently activate the brain and thus enhance cognition. For more information, visit our blog post on the correlation between Thinkie Points and higher brain activity.

Myth: Brain training games with sensors require no effort

Reality: While sensors monitor and analyze brain activity, the user’s active participation and cognitive engagement are essential. Sensors only provide feedback and track progress, whereas the user's mental effort and focus are the most significant contributors to the efficacy of brain training exercises.

Myth: Sensors can directly enhance brain function

Reality: Sensors alone cannot directly enhance brain function. They provide valuable data and feedback, but improving brain function requires active cognitive activity and training engagement. Sensors only assist in monitoring cognitive performance; improvement is achieved through targeted mental exercises and training programs.

Myth: Brain training with sensors is only for tech-savvy users

Reality: Brain training with sensors is designed to be accessible and user-friendly for individuals of varying tech proficiency. While familiarity with technology may help, programs like Thinkie include user-friendly instructions to ensure everyone can benefit.

Myth: The more time you spend, the better the brain training results

Reality: Quality over quantity is the key. Spending excessive time on brain training apps does not necessarily lead to better results and can cause burnout or frustration. Short, regular sessions as part of a balanced routine are more effective.

Myth: Brain training is only necessary if you’re experiencing cognitive decline

Reality: Brain training can benefit individuals of all ages. It helps maintain and enhance cognitive abilities such as memory, reasoning, and attention, and contributes to overall mental well-being. Regular cognitive exercise supports executive functioning and mental acuity throughout every stage of life.

Myth: Brain training games are boring and repetitive

Reality: Brain training games can be engaging and diverse, offering a wide range of challenges to keep players entertained and stimulated. From puzzles and memory exercises to logic and problem-solving tasks, these games provide enjoyable mental stimulation for all ages.

Myth: Bluetooth affects the brain when close to the skin

Reality: Bluetooth devices use low levels of radiofrequency (RF) radiation, which is generally considered safe. Major health organizations, including the US National Institute of Health and Food and Drug Administration, state there is no strong evidence that Bluetooth devices pose a significant health risk. Bluetooth operates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, which is a form of non-ionizing radiation. This means it does not have sufficient energy to remove tightly bound electrons or cause direct damage to DNA in cells, which are occurrences that could lead to cancer or other health issues.

That said, research into long-term exposure to RF radiation is ongoing, but current studies so far have not found conclusive evidence linking Bluetooth or other low-level RF radiation to adverse health effects. Thinkie uses fNIRS technology, supported by nearly thirty years of research.

Myth: Neurofeedback is a “one-size-fits-all” solution

Reality: Neurofeedback is not a singular or general brain training solution. Everyone’s brain is unique and responses to neurofeedback can vary. Factors like brain function, neuroplasticity, and specific neurological conditions can impact its effectiveness. A personalized approach is necessary to optimize the benefits of brain training using real-time visual feedback. Luckily, Thinkie has was designed with precisely this approach in mind.

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